With advancement in technology happening at a rapid pace, programmers and developer had to work smart and consistently to understand the latest trends and equip themselves with the required knowledge to keep up with the ever-happening change. Web development has come a long way from the traditional coding methods and website developers are faced with heightened expectations to deliver comprehensive websites. Custom web development came into forge and was able to deliver the goods with high precision and quality.
The advanced Custom web development services
Various custom web development companies are doing an excellent job in equipping themselves with the latest knowledge in technology advancement on a regular basis and are able to offer seamless services to the end users. The following are some of the advanced web development services being offered in the present time frame.
Enhanced Motion User Interface
Based on the trend shift happening in 2016, website developers are using the Motion Ui, a Sass library, that's used to create animations and CSS transitions in a very short span of time. Motion UI also helps in making app's transitions look smooth and rich with its predefined motions. Developers prefer Motion Ui for the way it seamlessly integrates the prototypical animated elements into websites.
Highly Responsive designs
The most recognized advancement in the web development service is the responsive designs. The emergence of wearable devices and cross-platform touch devices are challenging the website developers to create highly responsive designs that work relentlessly without affecting its functions and responsibilities. They make use of advance technologies like PHP, Node Js, Motion Ui, Semantic UI, etc., to come up such responsive and interactive designs.
Excellent Single Page App Framework
Built around Angular JS and the flexbox grid system, the Foundation for Apps is the first, front-end single page app framework that enables a quick and easy responsive web app creation process. Developers use this advancement so that they can concentrate writing codes that are unique for a particular application.
Increased Usage of Cloud-based IDEs
Custom web developers are more inclined to use cloud-based versions of IDEs for its speed, accessibility and a huge community backing. Desktop-centered IDEs are still very much in reference, but a cloud-based IDE offers immense flexibility. All you need is a laptop to run a cloud-based IDE.
Neutralizing various AD blocking pulgins
Businesses are loosing millions in revenue due to the various ad blocking plugins. These plugins prevents ads from being shown on sites like YouTube, etc. Considered a nuisance for users, these ads are major revenue generation options for companies and developers are working on the technologies to nullify the effects of these Ad blocking plugins.
Usage of various advancements not only ensure a top-notch website being created but also equips the developers with knowledge of the vast variety of tools and the latest development trends. The ever-growing need to make the web development process easy without any compromises, one can say for sure that more exciting and advanced services are yet to come!